Designing for the Post COVID-19 Environment

In the Fall of 2020, 18 students (15 third-year graphic design students and 3 first-year MFA students) engaged in an 8-week intensive project that emphasized audience, context, and research. Students were charged to design a product and/or experience in the post COVID-19 environment. The main purpose of the designed products is to drive healthier behaviors from users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Course...GD303: Applied Experience Design


Solution...App designed to guide moviegoers through a contactless drive-in movie theatre experience during the Pandemic.
Student...Connor Schwenk
Link...Full case study here ↗

Stay Sane Covid Kit

Solution...A curated kit to manage the days spent in self isolation.
Student...Anjana Padmakumar
Link...Full case study ↗

Delhi Metro Redesign

Solution...A redesign of the Delhi Metro, including the app, train stations, and cabin layout.
Student...Shatakshi Mehra
Link...Full case study here ↗

The COVID-19 Map

Solution...A color-changing map system that doubled as a capacity tracker, updating in real time. This digital application and physical kiosk help promote social distancing by informing the user of overcrowded public spaces. This map redesign can be applied to a wide range of public areas, but is most specifically designed to serve 2020 holiday shoppers in a post-COVID-19 world.
Student...Jacob Lawall
Link...Full case study here ↗
Ryan Russell

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student work
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